lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
Luis Arbaiza
A sperm and an ovum are genetically equal, but epigenetically different.
This difference is calls imprinting. There being a mother imprinting and paternal other one.
The union of two gametes, one with imprinting mother and paternal other one allows the normal development of the embryo.
The imprinting means that determined of genes, involved in this process, are extinguished or lit according to a typical and standard patter, in function if they are in the mature sperm or in the ovum.
The genes that are ignited in a gamete are extinguished in another type of gametes.
And this makes them functionally different. In general the genes expressed in the paternal imprinting raise the foetal development whereas the maternal one limits it.
( Paolini 2004)
The union of gametes with the same imprinting, leads to diverse faults epigenéticos and makes the embryonic development unviable.
Immature it of this process makes epigenetic faults.
But what causes its epigenetic difference?
Even one cannot answers completely to this question.
The motivation of this bibliographical investigation is to elaborate a hypothesis on the reason of the imprinting and chance to find experiences that sustain the experimentally above mentioned hypothesis.
The genetic imprint is a requirement for the normal development of the embryos
This one is realized in the germinal line, his mistake must take mistakes that prevent the successful development of the embryos.
Especially in those procedures like the ICSI that "jump" steps of the epigenetics processes in the masculine gamete.
It could explain by that major percentage of epigenetic diseases has been demonstrated in children conceived by ICSI
And why some found faults in the metilación of the genes H19 and MEST in oligozospermic patients (C.J. Marquess 2008) This might explain also the appearance increased of the syndrome Silver-Russell in children with hiccup - metilación of the gene H19 born of ART. (C.J. Marquess 2008)
In addition a fall metilación of the site of union might lead to an unactivation of the gene IGF2 paternal and to be related to the low embryonic quality and under weight, associated often in ART (artificial reproduction thecnologuies). (C.J. Marquess 2008)
For to the develop of a hypothesis on the reason of the imprinting is necessary to cross diverse areas still badly investigated of this phenomenon, which can be grouped in investigations that answer to certain questions, none with a complete and sufficient response:
3,1 what genes are these?
3.2 When are they modified?
3.3 The one who modifies them?
3,4 since it modifies them?
3.5 Which is the reason not caused of the imprinting? Is it genetic or epigenética?
3.6 Which is the relation with the gene Sry that obviously is the only difference between masculine and feminine genome and ah of being the point of item of this differentiation?
I analyze the existing bibliography in topics related to try to answer the questions of the investigation for what one acceded to virtual libraries and to computer programs of managing byline, as well as the virtual communication with investigators in area.
There is a genome of the imprinting, approximately 156 possible new genes, and the status of imprinting-gene can be predicted by his sequence (Luedi, P.P. et to. (2007). The classic mechanism of genetic stamp of a gene is the metilación but it is not the only one and not necessarily it means unactivation.
Here a relation of some known genes like involved in the human imprinting.
Chromosome location GENE State in the sperm State in the ovum Activator function
I activate (suppressing of tumors)
IGF2 active Control independent from the demas, his change drags numerous genes more
7p12 (GRB10) in growth factor recipient protein 10
7 q21 PEG10 unactivated assets Probably it is a new gene for imprinting
7q31.3 MEST isoformas 1 and 2,
8 KCNK9 (I activate in the brain it causes cancer, two-pole and epilepcia)
8p23 DLGAP2 (possible suppressing of tumors of bladder)
Associated protein-2 (Dlgap2).
Was excluded seize the gene responsible for EPMR.
11 H19
Inactive assets Rna not codificante
Role in cancer
To member of the AP2 transcription factor family
E2F1 transcription factor
Possibly uan control different from those of the demas
His change arrastar other genes mas
11 p57, Kip2 CDKN1C
14 q MEG3,
15 q11-q13 active SNRPN (ribonucleoproteína nuclear small, polypeptide N)
15 q11-q13 IPW Not polypeptide
Functions RNA.
Predominantly in brain
15 UBE3A cause Angelman syndrome. on the mother's chromosome
19q13.4 Possible main key
X active XIST
Idice that this metilacion removes in the spermatogenesis Xist (is in mouse)
Inactive SNRPN
During the development of primordial germinal cells the imprinting pattern resigns. Probably on having entered to the gonad.
It is completed in the phase haploide (meiosis) in the man it happens before the meiosis so soon as when the spermatogonia proliferate; according to some authors it is intrinsic and cell-autonomous.
The imprinting happens in ocytes about the time of the first meiotic division, the metilación in the woman happens in the development post natal when the ooccites are in diplotene prophase I, the mother imprinting in constant established in the ripeness of the oocytes.
But the metilación can be in different moments for different genes (Paolini 2004)
There has been verified that it does not owe to the influence of the somatic cells of the genital comb or the environment of the gonad in the basic cells. (Paolini 2004)
The paternal metilación desmetila brief after the fertilization, the mother one suffers metilaciones of novo
4 hours
In mouse the paternal pronucleo is desmetiled in 4 a.m. later to the fertilization
4 hours
A global desmetilacion happens in the morula at 4 a.m. h of fertilization.
5 days
In the blastocist it re-establishes the metilación in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. In the blastocist reestablesce the metilación in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. (Kierszenbaum TO. 2002)
MASH2 regulates the development of spongiotrophoblast
Igf2 he has been in labyrinthine trophoblast
ASCL2 it expresses in spongiotrophoblast and labyrinthine
3-4 weeks Basic germ cells seize PGCs have imprinting mother - paternal they migrate Basic germ cells inherit an imprinting bialelic of father and mother, and erase his imprinting to begin one of novo during the gametogenesis. (Kierszenbaum TO. 2002)
The cells they germinate basic they express these genes: Blimp1, Oct3/4, Fragilis, Stella, c-kit, Mvh, Dazl and Gcna1 (Deshira Saiti 2000)
H19 and Igf2 they express in endoderm and mesoderm, (Andrea L. Webber1 1998)
6 week Embrionic germ cells
They do not have imprinting or this is desregulated, already they are in gonad
They destine to be 40 basic cells a gonad induced by exra-embryonic fabrics hipotetized that this cells suppress the program of somatization
Blimp1 (or Prdm1), that is an oppressor of tarscripcion help to this foundation (Yasuhide Ohinat 2005)
On having been born and in a few months the paternal imprinting is completed
Puberty I Initiate of speramatogenesis. The paternalisation is a constant process in the mitotically-dividing spermatogonial stem cell and meiotically-dividing spermatocyte progeny derivative (Kierszenbaum TO. 2002)
Dnmt3L, and Dnmt3b, they interact with Dnmt2a and Dnmt3b and it is needed for a correct espermatogenesis. (Kierszenbaum TO. 2002)
MATURITY The imprinting already I mature this one in the stem cell in the línea germinal (C.J. Marquess 2008)
Spermatogonia is germ cells immature does mitosis
Some of them differ even primary spermatocytes.
After the first meiosis 2 turn secondary spermatocytes
These do meiosis 2 and form 2 espermatidas
spermatogonya (diploid) These in spermatozoids already this metilated H19
The genes to imprint generally are metiled in his promoter, what them inactive. (The metilation is the incorporation of a group metil in a coal of the nucleotide)
The metilación not always is turn down
The metilatión changes structure of cromatine
A patter of metilación is the result of:
1.-D and novo metilaciones
( Paolini 2004)
The promoters of the genes to improntar are rich in islands CpG
The enzimas that do this metilación are 3 DNA methyltransferases:
For example DNMT 1 catalyzes the transfer of a group methyl (CH3) from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to the coal 5 of the citosina turning out to be one 5-Methylcytosine.
These islands metilated are capable of uniting to proteins (for example MECP2 " methyl CpG-binding protein 2)
Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b give metilations of novo
Dnmt1 on the dna having be divided daughter produces a new metilación in the fiber
The desmetilacion happens in absence of Dnmt1 with continuous cycles of replication of the DNA (desmetilatión passive), but also actively (without replication of the DNA). The nature of the desmetilases is even unknown.
DNMT3L attends the metilation of novo
DNMT3a and DNMT3b seem to be those that bosses give of metilación in the early embryo
DNMT1 is the one that this pattern of cell supports mother to daughter (both copies)
It is of supposing that provided that the genes to imprint are numerous (probably hundreds) and that not they all modify simultaneously, there is a chains of reactions that takes this modification gradually up to his total ripeness.
The bibliographical information realizes of certain stages of this process in waterfall without being able to glimpse the start this total phenomenon. Though there is reasonable that goes back to the absence or presence of gene sry, the only gene that differentiates the feminine and masculine genomes and that would determine in last instance the gametogénesis or the ovogénesis.
The expression of the gene KCNQ1OT1 of the chromosome 11p15.5, it is essential for the imprinting of certain regions. The mechanism can be a gene is activated in an environment let's say ováric or spermatic and this one produces the imprinting in chain reaction in other one genes.
Studying his factors of transcrition there might manage be known which the first cause of the imprinting
IG-DMR The ergenic germline-derived differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) is candidate for region control of the chromosome 12
It is a cluster that it contains:
Paternally expressed protein-coding genes Dlk1 and Dio3 and different odd number - coding RNAs, of expression maternal included Gtl2 and C/D snoRNAs.
To retrotransposon-like gene (Rtl1) is expressed from the paternal chromosome and is an antisense transcript expressed from the maternal chromosome containing two microRNAs with full complementarity to Rtl1
IG-DMR's Delección of the mother chromosome causes the loss of the imprinting in all the genes of the cluster
The paternal delectión makes the imprinting intact
19q13.4 A few women lack a piece of chromosome: 19q13.4 and his pattern of imprinting in his ova is paternal
Some experiments carried out with other purposes to the search of the reasons of the imprinting can give experimental evidence on some aspects of this one
His analysis can take to make hypothesis and / or to sustaining experimentally in an indirect way
In 2004 Japanese investigators there obtained mice babies of two mothers females.
The ZYGOTE they did it with a mature genome and immature other one (Tomohiro Kono 2004) The not developed oocite was of a mouse mutant with a delection of 13-kilobases
The not developed one is (ng)
And the developed one (fg)
But in the ng I do not alter H19 and Igf2
To block H19 in ng I use a mouse with a deletión in this gene
The embryos were born to 17.5 days
I confirm to him that these embryos do not happen of the 17.5th
The 2 were born with retarded growth they had a little developed liver
Igf2 and H19 As well as Dlk1 and Gtl2 Are printed by them in the spermatogenesis.
Of this we can conclude that the mother metilation happens in the ripeness of the oocite and that the immature occite is a counterpart to a sperm epigenetically speaking.
And that, on the other hand the imprinting of the genes H19 and Igf2 is independent and they find his reason in the region of 13-kilobases
Of the experiment of the mice with two mothers it is possible to deduce the following things:
- it is possible to conclude that an immature oovocite is like a sperm except for 2 genes (igf2 and h19)
- Ii we annul one of them (h19) to obtain the sperm
- therefore so much a sperm is like an immature ovocite except for 2 genes
- if one adds the factors of ripeness of the ovum and is annulled igf2 it might turn a sperm into ovum.
Apparently they weigh fewer ivf, he speaks it that gain the mother genes bony that the paternal genes are incomplete
Some substances as the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES) can change the pattern of metilatión of the DNA. (John A. McLachlan, 2001)
The expression of the imprinted genes and the development of the fetus is influenced by the addition of foetal whey of veal to the culture (Paolini 2004)
It is not known as this way affects the imprinting
Probably it removes the groups methyls, going to uncompleting or when the pattern erasing of imprinting. (Paolini 2004)
The children of the ICSI weigh less (Paolini 2004)
First Cells mother turned into sperms
( Nayernia K 2006)
Cells of marrow change in cells they germinate masculine there was expression of scoreboards of cells they germinate (Nayernia K. 2007)
The born mouse tape-worm faults and I use special chemists and vitamins
There is a locus for you like idatiform 19q13.4. They examined the metilación in the daughters and in it her likes
The mutation I inherit of the mother grandfather for what one concludes that the mistake does not owe one to itself erased of the brands of imprinting if not rather to the reestablishment of mother brands in the ovogénesis or in his post-cigotic maintenance (El-Maarri Or 2003)
If there is a mutation that turns the mother genome in paternal:
1.-A simple element determines the paternity or maternity of the genome
2. - this healthy gene feminize the sperms.
3.-The partenisatión of the genome needs not activation or the suppression of this gene or factor.
The normal condition probably is paternal
First it is necessary to erase and later stamp
We can hypotetizer that the factor of development folicular besides a silence of the gene igf2 can change the paternal imprinting of the sperms to mother
IG-DMR's Delección of the mother chromosome causes the loss of the imprinting in all the genes of the cluster what it indicates as a gene cause of imprinting.
The paternal delectión makes the imprinting intact
A few women lack a piece of chromosome: 19q13.4
This healthy gene feminizaría ova. It might feminized the sperms
H19 and Igf2, apparently, they are printed by a mechanism independent from this one.
If there is achieved the correct expression of igf2 and of ha19 a wide number of other genes puts well (bony of mother it happens to paternal)
Of the analysis one could have generated follow hypothesis
There exist two mutually independent mechanisms that initiate the chain reaction of events that take the pattern of imprinting paternal or mother.
1.-A gene in 19q13.4 is responsible of feminized a very significant number of genes to stamping
And it would alter other one H19 and Igf2
There are apparently two mechanisms conduct on that the imprinting depends these mechanisms they must be related to the presence or absence of the gene SRY though the above mentioned relation still is cloudy.
It is known that some enzyme the genes are responsible of metilation to imprint, besides the fact that these genes are rich in islands CpG but provided that in a gamete they are metilated and in other one not, being equal it is necessary to ask since it knows this enzyme that genes metiled and which not? And in addition, since it knows when metilation if this one in a sperm or in an ovum?. Something besides these enzymes would indicate a different or it activates these enzymes
The mechanism can be a gene is activated in an environment let's say ováric or spermatic and this one produces the imprinting in waterfall in other one genes.
It should study abortions of icsi and of art to see since they are epigenetically when technical these alter the normal ripeness of the imprinting in the gametes. Already there is evidence of a major cup diseases epigenetics in ARTs
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domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009
T H E C N E T O S the last days of the universe
... these times are for the cosmos as a sunset, but one that will not light but the time ...
... The only purpose of life is survival, every detail of which is made a living being exists only because it serves. So the meaning of life is just life, and sense of survival is nothing more than survival itself. It's tautological is biology. A Chicken (someone said) is the instrument of an egg to make another egg. Learned-perhaps too late, that the tortured history was no more than the tortuous method that had a man for another man. Discover these two men would give some sense of the days that followed and justify this long and sometimes tedious monologue. ..
... Living in the now and before, it is fruitless to look for another meaning, another meaning to their industry, their anatomy, their behavior and psychology. The life only serves to persist, any examination of the elaborate and sometimes obscure features of life, if it comes to a sufficient depth, always comes to this conclusion: the empty meaning of life is life. It is perhaps more honest and simply admit that it makes no sense ...
... They say the end justifies and explains the media. But in life the objective sought by this means is the same means ...
... Thus, an inert molecule is, paradoxically, the final and only protagonist of life...
... His mind was all a huge reason, void of emotions, but it was as usual intelligence technicians and scientists who were given the reason for the pleasure of reasoning, the intellectual delight.
In Herakón happened for the reason why, theirs was a pure intelligence, it was not in the service of nothing but itself. The other reason used as a means and not an end. But for the reason Thaumasia could not be subordinated to anything, which is lower. So Herakón looked at the tiny creatures that surround it and serve as mere shiver of pleasure, all of human history had occurred as it had happened only by the pursuit of p1acer aversion and displeasure, an evil puppet humanity always acting under the old reward and punishment mechanism of sensory, embodied by the early evolution in humans. ..
... Strangely, the greatest pleasure was to live, and the greatest displeasure dying. both not feeling ...
... I think it is necessary to clarify that the Thecnetos is artificial, although I understand, to examine the issue further, that in the world there is nothing artificial, nature has given birth to all things, including the Thecnetos, that " what unnatural "is impossible, logically inadmissible Frustrated with my naive ... research, I took the longest and most distant from my travels. The landscape of ruins had no bottom. Already far away, I saw the black spider afternoon long shadows. I felt once again the unease of being too far away and lost, too anonymous. Not knowing who I am and know that it is this awareness that I am. Neither as a substance ceases to be unconscious to being conscious of unconsciousness that surrounded me. Walking and walking through this new, alien topography incessantly, by streets and I knew immediately that I forgot ...
... Men love what they need is love bone the love themselves more than their beloved, love makes them choose and pursue whatever he needed her germinal molecule in the next generation, another molecule that accompany germ in the future and perfeccionadota serving it, so it is common to love the beautiful, strong, brilliant, as provided, and how healthy and never small, incomplete, or the primitive ..
... ... But what disgustingly illogical human life is subordinated to the grounds without an inert molecule! What is life but a chemical accident? All human desires come from this accident and are therefore absurd and disgusting! ...
... Eromenois pairs do not occur randomly, are identified and are intended to be by their complementary genetics. The composition of the germ of a molecule is related and complementary erastes its Eromenos, which lacks the other one has it, what is left to it lacks one. United reach perfection and balance, so atavistic disease arises between them, love is nothing but desire for unity and belonging.
- Do you mean that our genetic makeup we necessarily determine which person we fall in love? Ahelios asked amazed.
You mean he asked if Ahelios-clonásemos a pair of lovers, these will necessarily fall in love again each other? ...
... To be human is to be able to do something only the artificial artificial or unnatural us men ...
... Love is more cognitive than the same knowledge.
In knowledge, consciousness is aware of one thing. In eromenois love two know each other. That is, a consciousness is conscious of another consciousness. Even more knowledge is awareness about the world but never meets him. In love, consciousness and is close to another one with it ...
... Life in the ultimate sense is like a river, one that plunges through the ages, an unbroken lineage of germ molecules, the atoms of a molecule coil and cold. The life-course-not the germ molecule is only one thing, but what it does to multiply thing ever, always a process, always flowing. I knew that the river moved steadily through the landscapes of time and as the water, took shape in the form of land upon which it flowed. The life which is itself devoid of form, then takes the container that contains ...
... The change was constant life, seeming to want to exhaust all possible ways of being, having no evidence of deep, a being ...
... The beginning of life was the first molecule to form germ and chemical make their first copies, doing nothing else but that. But the proliferation of germinal molecule was defective, and that was the reason that new versions, different from its mold, some more efficient than others to copy. This error was the reason for its further development.
Thus, this imperfection, paradoxically, was born the so-called perfection of life, and Thecnetos of the Emissary, which should be called then the imperfection of life. The error was therefore really the engine of life and its cause, without which nothing would have happened. ..
... In the assembly of a humble second part many things: a whole world and lose have to spend to mount a second. Every moment has the thickness of the cosmos ...
A germ molecule and does not need more awareness nor life, so I have to lose and not called upon to save Thecnetos. That miracle that sensitize the raw material was only an incident in natural history, is unnecessary in the new historical and evolutionary context of matter, life is now a neglected instrument, which deployed the multiple germinal tenaciously molecule in his "desire" to move on ...
.. an effect can not rebel against their cause without losing himself ...
... The only purpose of life is survival, every detail of which is made a living being exists only because it serves. So the meaning of life is just life, and sense of survival is nothing more than survival itself. It's tautological is biology. A Chicken (someone said) is the instrument of an egg to make another egg. Learned-perhaps too late, that the tortured history was no more than the tortuous method that had a man for another man. Discover these two men would give some sense of the days that followed and justify this long and sometimes tedious monologue. ..
... Living in the now and before, it is fruitless to look for another meaning, another meaning to their industry, their anatomy, their behavior and psychology. The life only serves to persist, any examination of the elaborate and sometimes obscure features of life, if it comes to a sufficient depth, always comes to this conclusion: the empty meaning of life is life. It is perhaps more honest and simply admit that it makes no sense ...
... They say the end justifies and explains the media. But in life the objective sought by this means is the same means ...
... Thus, an inert molecule is, paradoxically, the final and only protagonist of life...
... His mind was all a huge reason, void of emotions, but it was as usual intelligence technicians and scientists who were given the reason for the pleasure of reasoning, the intellectual delight.
In Herakón happened for the reason why, theirs was a pure intelligence, it was not in the service of nothing but itself. The other reason used as a means and not an end. But for the reason Thaumasia could not be subordinated to anything, which is lower. So Herakón looked at the tiny creatures that surround it and serve as mere shiver of pleasure, all of human history had occurred as it had happened only by the pursuit of p1acer aversion and displeasure, an evil puppet humanity always acting under the old reward and punishment mechanism of sensory, embodied by the early evolution in humans. ..
... Strangely, the greatest pleasure was to live, and the greatest displeasure dying. both not feeling ...
... I think it is necessary to clarify that the Thecnetos is artificial, although I understand, to examine the issue further, that in the world there is nothing artificial, nature has given birth to all things, including the Thecnetos, that " what unnatural "is impossible, logically inadmissible Frustrated with my naive ... research, I took the longest and most distant from my travels. The landscape of ruins had no bottom. Already far away, I saw the black spider afternoon long shadows. I felt once again the unease of being too far away and lost, too anonymous. Not knowing who I am and know that it is this awareness that I am. Neither as a substance ceases to be unconscious to being conscious of unconsciousness that surrounded me. Walking and walking through this new, alien topography incessantly, by streets and I knew immediately that I forgot ...
... Men love what they need is love bone the love themselves more than their beloved, love makes them choose and pursue whatever he needed her germinal molecule in the next generation, another molecule that accompany germ in the future and perfeccionadota serving it, so it is common to love the beautiful, strong, brilliant, as provided, and how healthy and never small, incomplete, or the primitive ..
... ... But what disgustingly illogical human life is subordinated to the grounds without an inert molecule! What is life but a chemical accident? All human desires come from this accident and are therefore absurd and disgusting! ...
... Eromenois pairs do not occur randomly, are identified and are intended to be by their complementary genetics. The composition of the germ of a molecule is related and complementary erastes its Eromenos, which lacks the other one has it, what is left to it lacks one. United reach perfection and balance, so atavistic disease arises between them, love is nothing but desire for unity and belonging.
- Do you mean that our genetic makeup we necessarily determine which person we fall in love? Ahelios asked amazed.
You mean he asked if Ahelios-clonásemos a pair of lovers, these will necessarily fall in love again each other? ...
... To be human is to be able to do something only the artificial artificial or unnatural us men ...
... Love is more cognitive than the same knowledge.
In knowledge, consciousness is aware of one thing. In eromenois love two know each other. That is, a consciousness is conscious of another consciousness. Even more knowledge is awareness about the world but never meets him. In love, consciousness and is close to another one with it ...
... Life in the ultimate sense is like a river, one that plunges through the ages, an unbroken lineage of germ molecules, the atoms of a molecule coil and cold. The life-course-not the germ molecule is only one thing, but what it does to multiply thing ever, always a process, always flowing. I knew that the river moved steadily through the landscapes of time and as the water, took shape in the form of land upon which it flowed. The life which is itself devoid of form, then takes the container that contains ...
... The change was constant life, seeming to want to exhaust all possible ways of being, having no evidence of deep, a being ...
... The beginning of life was the first molecule to form germ and chemical make their first copies, doing nothing else but that. But the proliferation of germinal molecule was defective, and that was the reason that new versions, different from its mold, some more efficient than others to copy. This error was the reason for its further development.
Thus, this imperfection, paradoxically, was born the so-called perfection of life, and Thecnetos of the Emissary, which should be called then the imperfection of life. The error was therefore really the engine of life and its cause, without which nothing would have happened. ..
... In the assembly of a humble second part many things: a whole world and lose have to spend to mount a second. Every moment has the thickness of the cosmos ...
A germ molecule and does not need more awareness nor life, so I have to lose and not called upon to save Thecnetos. That miracle that sensitize the raw material was only an incident in natural history, is unnecessary in the new historical and evolutionary context of matter, life is now a neglected instrument, which deployed the multiple germinal tenaciously molecule in his "desire" to move on ...
.. an effect can not rebel against their cause without losing himself ...
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